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The Idea of Restoration

“And I will restore to you.,.” Joel 2:25

What do you need restored back into your life? What have you lost? What has been stolen from you that should be returned? Are you seeking restitution of land, salvation, sanity, finances or creativity? The whole idea of restoration is woven into the entire concept of salvation. God seeks to rescue His own. To be restored means to rebuild, repaint and amend. For King David even asked to be restored in Psalm 51 - “Restore unto me the joy of my salvation.” Restoration carries a sense of one being reestablished. In the transfiguration of Christ, Christ underwent a dramatic change in appearance, so the disciples could behold Him in His glory (Matt. 17:11). When God restores you, he gives you a new appearance - His glory! Restoration also brings about healing. In Luke 6:10, the man with the withered hand experienced the miracle of his hand being restored as whole as the other. In Mark 8:25, a blind man’s eyes were restored to sight.

Restoration is a biblical concept whereby God offers restitution unto His people. It indicates replacement for whatever is missing or was taken or destroyed. It is the act of restoring to the rightful owner, something that has been taken away, stolen, lost or surrendered. The idea of restitution is embedded in the story of Zacchaeus in Luke 19:8, a chief tax collector who said to Jesus, If I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I will restore fourfold.” Please know that the enemy, Satan, is in the fulltime business of robbing your of life, happiness, joy, health prosperity and so much more. Jesus said in John 10:10, I am the Good Shepherd. The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. But, I, Christ, came that you might have life and life more abundantly, Simply put, Christ brings restitution – a salvific act of giving back.Restitution is repayment over and above the actual loss to what is called “punitive damages. So rest in this confidence, that God is able to repay you for all of your punitive damages. Reflection question:What are your punitive damages?


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