The Psalms: A Preview
Discover exciting highlights from one of America’s most favorite biblical readings – the Psalms. Hidden in the contxt of the individual Psalms are stories, lessons, prayers, hymns and songs that set the stage for why the Psalms were written. Before indulging in the Book of Psalms, allow these Stokes Notes to introduce you to themes, subjects, metaphors, authors and specific topics addressed in this ancient wisdom book of the Bible.
Price: $20.00 + $3.00 S&H

The Closet: A Haven for Prayer
The Closet is a unique study series on the subject of prayer. From the entrance to the exit, you will discover insightful truths about each phase of the prayer process. Learn how to establish and build an effective prayer life from key biblical figures who embraced the spiritual discipline of prayer. Learn about the values of secret prayer and its open rewards. This is a must read for all who desire to cultivate intimate and sacred dialogue with God.